New musical project: BEEF BONE

I’m excited to announce a new musical endeavor, a heavy blues project I’m calling BEEF BONE. Searing slide guitar, razor edge vocals, and hip shakin’ drums are the hallmarks of this band. I say band, but it’s really me as…

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**NEW RELEASE** “The Island” is now available!

The Island", the fifth studio release from Chattanoog multi-instrumentalist Lon Eldridge, was recorded in isolation during the 2020 COVID-19 quarantine. Get it at

Special thanks to: Parker Allen, Emily Kate Boyd, Jama Jacks, Zach Serleth, Choro das…

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New album available May 18th, 2018!


"Cool Iron" by Lon Eldridge & Steven Troch 

"Eldridge’s finger-picked resonator guitar and vocals mixed with Troch’s soulful harmonica make for a classic combination. The two rely not on modern technology but on musicianship and…

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Coming July 27th to Jazzanooga...


Travel to far-flung locales via the arcane medium of 78rpm record and let the music of exotic lands enchant and excite your eardrums! DJ Passé (Lon Eldridge) takes you on an epic audio journey spanning 24,901 miles…

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Late-night Machinations...

Every so often, I endure a bit of criticism because of my preference for mechanically (non-electrically) reproduced sound over electrically amplified recordings. This preference isn't just something I hold to because it's "hip" or "nostalgic". I truly believe that mechanically…

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CD Release Party!


Proud to announce that my third studio album "Long Gone" will be released June 25th at The Honest Pint as part of River City Rumpus, the most exhilarating, titillating, and thrilling…

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"Long Gone", my third studio album, will be available in late June 2015. Keep your eyes open for details about American and European release parties.

Swamp Sessions #1

Hey, y'all. Did some filming out in Honey Island Swamp on Sunday. Check out the first in a series of videos entitled "Swamp Sessions" under the video tab now!

Open Spaces collaboration.

Hey everyone, check this out. I've just done a little collaboration with Joel Ruiz and Open Spaces as part of one their projects downtown. Open Spaces takes empty storefronts and enlivens them with light, art, and interactive installations. If you…Read more

Mission accomplished!

Well, one of the big goal's I've set for my music career this year is finally a reality. That's right, this website! Can't tell you how good it feels to have a piece of .com real estate.

The other big…Read more